Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Name for this blog

Can everyone post their suggestions as to what we should name this blog? Just leave it as a comment. Something funny or intelligent. Or both!

Oh and Andrea gets the grand prize of a million points for posting first and what a lovely first post it was. Hurray!

As for everyone else... I'm rather disappointed in you!!! :/ Is it that everyone thinks this is such a bad idea? Well, what's your idea?


AndreaM said...

George has a suggestion: BulaBlog!

Miss M said...

Ha! Well, problem is that only half of us have the name to go with that blog name. Don't want anyone to feel left out. :)

I'm pretty stumped for a name myself.

AndreaM said...

"Not such a bad idea"

"Blogajewksi" (george again)

BREVM (stands for Bulajewski, Reeves, Entwistle, Valgaardsson, McLaughlin)

Kristina said...

I think Bulajewski is ok to have as the blog name. Even those of us who have different names are all brought together by the Bulajewski center.

But.. if you really don't want to leave anyone out, then let's not use the name acronym either. The would be bad to leave someone out in a name that lists so many. And it draws limitations for when the family grows. Who knows Emma, even YOU might get married someday.

Besides, I'm not planning on being a Reeves forever. I'm just having trouble letting go.

Miss M said...

Having an unpronounceable surname is bad enough without having a blog in the same fashion. haha. I like Georges idea "Blogajewski" is kinda cute and catchy. I wish we'd get some feed back from the rest of them.

Hmmmm... what am I doing wrong?